We can embroider your logo, hunting destination, flag, name, website etc. onto this hunting hat. OLYF GROEN. More colours on request. R149.00 (Excl. VAT) Lekker bos hoed vir visvang en jag. Embroidery Prices: (Excl. VAT) SA FLAG: R15 WEBSITE ADDRESS: R10 INDIVIDUAL NAMES: R15 GEMSBOK/SPRINGBOK/IMPALA/KOEDOE WITH HUNTING DESTINATION AND DATE: R20 *Please contact me with […]
We can embroider your logo, hunting destination, flag, name, website etc. onto this hunting hat. KHAKI. More colours on request. R149.00 (Excl. VAT) Lekker bos hoed vir visvang en jag. Embroidery Prices: (Excl. VAT) SA FLAG: R15 WEBSITE ADDRESS: R10 INDIVIDUAL NAMES: R15 GEMSBOK/SPRINGBOK/IMPALA/KOEDOE WITH HUNTING DESTINATION AND DATE: R20 *Please contact me with regards to […]